Local Council Insurance

If you are a town or parish council, please use this form to request a free, no obligation quotation.

Select for Local Councils

Proposal Form

Please provide a full answer to every question. Where there is insufficient space to answer a question, please include additional details in the box provided. Please note that the completion and submission of this form does not bind you to us or enter into a contract of insurance.

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Please note that the completion and submission of this form does not bind you or us to enter into a contract of insurance. In order to minimise the need for further clarification please answer all questions fully.

You understand that you must make a fair presentation of the risk to us when completing this form and at inception, renewal and whenever you request changes to your policy. This means that you must tell us about all facts and circumstances which may be material to the risks covered by the policy in a clear and accessible manner and must not misrepresent any material facts. A material fact is one which would influence our acceptance or assessment of the risk. If you have any doubt about facts considered material, it is in your interest to disclose them.

If you do not make a fair presentation of the risk the policy may be avoided, written on different terms or a higher premium may be charged, depending on the circumstances of the failure to present the risk fairly.

Cover requirements

The Community First (Community Insurance) scheme for Parish Councils offers two package covers (with optional extensions to each package only), the details of which are listed below. Please read through the information on both options in the table below and select the insurance option you wish to use as the basis for your insurance policy.

Cover DetailsPackage Option 1Package Option 2
Office Contents for items kept within the Clerk's home£2,500£5,000
Cover for playground equipment/skateparks/playing fields etc.OptionalOptional
Street furniture cover for benches, bins, etc.OptionalOptional
All Risks for items taken out of the buildingsOptionalOptional
Loss of Revenue for cover for re-instatement of data£500£1,000
Employers' Liability for injury to paid employees. Cover for the clerk and clerical employees included automatically, with options to include manual employees.£10,000,000£10,000,000
Public Liability for injury or damage to third parties, volunteers or their property.£10,000,000£10,000,000
Hirers' Liability for insurance for groups hiring the premises (where income is under £5,000 p.a.)£2,000,000£2,000,000
Money various items noted below
Private Residence£100£250
Locked Safe/Strongroom£2,000£5,000
Locked Recepticles£100£250
Employee Dishonesty* to cover for fraudulent acts of committee members or employees£25,000£50,000
Libel and Slander to cover against accusations of defamation£250,000£500,000
Personal Accident to cover committee members for injuries sustained which are not as a result of your negligence£25,000 capital sum, £100 per week£50,000 capital sum, £250 per week
Legal Expenses cover for a range of legal costs

The core covers available for legal expenses are:
  • Employment disputes and compensation awards with current, prospective or ex-employees
  • Legal defence
  • Tax protection
  • Property protection and or bodily injury
Optional extras for legal expenses cover can be selected below.
£100,000 or £200,000£100,000 or £200,000

Select Package & Optional Cover

Select your preferred package option and any optional cover you require.

Please select package option 1 or package option 2 based on your requirements from the table (above).

If you wish to add optional cover to your package, please select from the list - please refer to the table above for descriptions of optional cover.

General Questions

Your Employees and Volunteers

Wages and Salaries
Salary Bill £
Full-time manual workers
Part-time manual workers
Other (Please Specify)

Your Activities

Buildings Insurance

Complete this section only if you require cover for any Parish Council buildings.

Contents Insurance

Please confirm the value (as new) of the Contents, which are items kept within the buildings such as tables, chairs, computers, indoor equipment, etc.

Please confirm the details of the items which are temporarily taken out of the premises (such as sports equipment, trophies etc,) or items which are permanently kept outside of the buildings (such as outdoor play equipment) if any:
Description of Items
Value £
If so, please provide details and value
Description of Vehicle
Value £
N.B. Please note that equipment which is licensed or registered for road use must have valid Motor insurance cover. This can be provided under a separate policy by speaking to your Community First representative.

Playground Equipment

If you are responsible for play equipment in children's playgrounds, please indicate the number of items you are responsible for e.g. one roundabout and one see-saw would be 'two' items.

Statepark/BMX Tracks

If you are responsible for any skateparks or BMX tracks, please indicate the number of items you are responsible for e.g. one half pipe and one rail would be 'two' items.

Street Furniture

Only complete this section if you require cover for Street furniture such as war memorials, benches, signs, notice boards, walls, bins, etc. Cover is available for impact of vehicle or animal only, or cover for All Risks.
Type of Property (e.g. bus shelter)
Location of Property (e.g. high street)
Impact Only or All Risks
Replacement Value

Claims History

Please give details of all previous claims made whether settled or outstanding.
Description of Claim
Value £

Data Protection Statement

Zurich takes the privacy and security of your personal information seriously. We collect, use and share your personal information so that we can provide policies and services that meet your insurance needs, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

The type of personal information we will collect includes: basic personal information (i.e. name, address and date of birth), occupation and financial details, health and family information, claims and convictions information and where you have requested other individuals be included in the arrangement, personal information about those individuals.

We and our selected third parties will only collect and use personal information (i) where the processing is necessary in connection with providing a quotation and/or contract of insurance; (ii) to meet our legal or regulatory obligations; (iii) where you have provided the appropriate consent; (iv) for our ‘legitimate interests’. It is in our legitimate interests to collect personal information as it provides us with the information that we need to provide our services more effectively including providing information about our products and services. We will always ensure that we keep the amount of information collected and the extent of any processing to the absolute minimum to meet this legitimate interest. A full copy of our data protection statement can be viewed via www.zurich.co.uk/dataprotection

How you can contact us?

If you have any questions or queries about how we use your data, or require a paper copy of the statement, you can contact us via gbz.general.data.protection@uk.zurich.com or alternatively contact our Data Protection Officer at Zurich Insurance, Unity Place, 1 Carfax Close, Swindon, SN1 1AP.
